IBH Addiction Recovery’s Men's Recovery House provides residents with a living environment free of drugs and alcohol, centered on peer support and connection to services that promote sustained recovery.

A Continuum of Care
Recovery housing allows clients the opportunity to step down to a lower level of care while still getting treatment on an outpatient level.

Community of Sober Support 
Being surrounded by others in recovery creates a strong network of sober support, a feeling of belonging and safe friendships. 

With 21 beds, the on-campus facility includes nine shared bedrooms and a shared bathroom, as well as a living room, laundry area, workout space, and kitchen. While staffed 24/7, residents still must cook and clean for themselves, including doing their own laundry. Residents also govern the house with an elected chairperson, co-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer who meet weekly to discuss issues, fundraising ideas, and social events.


Recoveryhouse LivingRoom Gym

Get Help

To be eligible for men’s recovery housing at IBH Addiction Recovery, applicants must be a resident of Summit County, 30-days sober, and an active participant in an outpatient program. The type of outpatient program can vary from a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP) to meeting with a counselor a few days a week, depending on where the person is within their recovery journey.

Please contact IBH Addiction Recovery by either completing our online Contact Form (click the button below) or calling us at 330.644.4095 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

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